A Dose of Expected Misery Before the 500

Back in my opening post of the month, I warned you that there could possibly be two posts of One Take Only, the video blog of this site featuring myself and longtime friend, co-worker and fellow IndyCar fan John McLallen. We always sit down with no script or outline. We just start the cameral rolling and just start talking – usually with disastrous results. If we mess up, we keep it – hence the name One Take Only. The first episode was on May 2. Three weeks later, here it comes again.

Many readers don’t care for these, and I’m not sure I would if I was in your shoes. But I’ll admit they are fun to do and some people love them. So, we’ve been doing these sporadically for the past thirteen years. In case you’re interested (although I’m not sure why you would be), these are all archived in the top right-hand section of this site under Pages.

In this episode, we look back at Qualifying Weekend and look ahead to this week’s race. We reveal who we are pulling for, and who we thing will win – although John’s pick covers both. We are also joined by thousands of cicadas singing in my backyard. It’s their time again.

You were warned it was coming, and here it is. So, pour a cup of coffee (or open a beer) and suffer through another edition of One Take Only.

George Phillips

2 Responses to “A Dose of Expected Misery Before the 500”

  1. billytheskink Says:

    Put me in the camp that loves these.

  2. OliverW Says:

    Most impressed the yellow submarine has a reverse gear !

    Ditto to the sentiments expressed above by billytheskink.

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