Welcome To Barber Motorsports Park

Except for getting stuck behind a wreck leaving Nashville, it was a very uneventful trip down to Barber Motorsports Park. It’s amazing how much easier it is to get away on time when it’s just me n the car. Susan is not here yet. She called a few moments ago and said she was in Target (what???) and will be here shortly. Although it was a stress-free trip, it was nice to be greeted by this sign.


I’m hoping that the increased traffic on the grounds and the congested parking lot is a sign that there will be a lot of people here. The media center is packed, as well. Last year, Susan and I had two seats in the main area. This year, they’ve relegated the lowly blogger(s) to what amounts to the kids table. In years past, they have had electrical cables running to the tables for lap tops. None to be found this year, so I’m hoping I can keep a charge all day.

It rained coming down, but stopped about the Alabama state line. By the time I got to the track, the whole place was bathed in brilliant sunshine. As I type, I can hear the Indy Lights cars practicing. The Verizon IndyCar Series begins practicing at 11:00 central time. I plan to be trackside when they begin.

I plan to be posting throughout the day (battery consumption willing). In the meantime, follow me (@Oilpressureblog) and Susan (@MrsOilpressure) throughout the weekend for pictures and c0mments (some snarky). I’m going to go hit the track. Check back soon and often.

George Phillips

2 Responses to “Welcome To Barber Motorsports Park”

  1. Have a great time you two! I look forward to your reports.

  2. I’m watching practice on NBCSN while you’re in pit lane or trackside Turn 2, perhaps). Looks like beautiful blue sky, puffy white clouds, lush, green lawns, and spectators and racers who’re happy to be there. Indeed I wish that I were there. Friday is the optimum day to enjoy the vintage motorsports museum.

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