It’s Qualifying Day for the Indianapolis 500

Good morning from what was a fog-encased Indianapolis Motor Speedway earlier this morning. When I looked out the window of our hotel, I was having trouble seeing cars in the parking lot. I figured they would delay the 8:30 am practice, and they did – by about thirty minutes.

We were still recuperating from the night before, when Susan’s flight was delayed by weather. What was supposed to be a 9:20 pm arrival, turned into a flight that didn’t arrive until 2:15 am. By the time we got back to our hotel, it was 3:00 am. We hit the wall at dinner last night and slept in this morning. But we are here now, as the line for qualifications has begun to form.

There are a lot of questions going into today. Will Chevy continue to be the dominant engine with the added boos?. Will some of the stronger Honda teams find something? When Scott Dixon is the fastest Ganassi car in a six-hour session, you know there are issues.

On a personal note, I would like to wish a Happy Twelfth Anniversary to my lovely wife, Susan. It was twelve years ago today (May 18, 2012) that we got married right here at IMS – the evening of Fast Friday, while the draw was going on. Many thanks to our anonymous friends, who lent us their suite over looking the main straightaway. That day would not have happened like it did without them.


From the time we first met in March of 1977, it has been a blast!



Susan has continued to persevere through a battle with pancreatic cancer that started almost four years ago. So far, she is one of the 8% that has been able to come out on the other side. Strange as it seems, that battle has made us closer than ever. I am so happy that she is still here and is able to continue to travel to and enjoy race weekends like this one.

She will post something here midday, then I will be back after qualifying is done for the day for a wrap-up. Please check back later.

George Phillips

One Response to “It’s Qualifying Day for the Indianapolis 500”

  1. 35Salty Says:

    Happy Anniversary. Hope y’all have a hundred more!

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