It’s a Wet Morning at Road America

Good morning from a wet Road America. It was dry at our hotel in Sheboygan just before we left for the track. But rain started hitting the windshield about halfway here. It was more of an annoying mist than anything, but just as we got to the gate, it started raining in earnest. Practice started just as we were getting set up in the media center. Given the weather conditions, we will spend this practice session in the dry confines of the media center.

As I type, only a few cars have taken to the track, but more and more are trying to check out the wet conditions, just in case it is still raining for qualifying this afternoon. But make no mistake – it’s wet out there. Cars are running off-track in all corners. From where I sit, the racing surface looks like an ice-rink.


The scuttlebutt when we arrived was that Nolan Siegel will not participate in the Indy NXT race this weekend. He has the blessings of his HMD Motorsports team, adding speculation that he will drive the No. 78 car beyond this weekend. Where things stand with Agustin Canapino is uncertain, but this has been one of the crazier stories that quickly developed and unraveled in just a few days time.. Stay tuned.

We barely made our reservation at Majerle’s Black River Grill last night, but thank God we did. They were certainly on their game last night. We both had the Walleye that was on special, and it was fantastic! Although it was fried, there was no greasiness whatsoever. We split an order of cheese curds. I had a couple of Spotted Cows. Due to her health, Susan’s drinking days are mostly over; but she was thrilled to learn that they served Coke instead of Pepsi. So many places up here (including Road America) serve Pepsi-only. For the record, Majerle’s serves Coke.

There is a major development at Road America to report in the beverage department. For years, Road America has offered many craft beers – along with Miller-Coors products from down the road in Milwaukee. But Spotted Cow and other New Glarus Brewing products were curiously sent from the menus at all concession stands…until now. I am happy to report that Spotted Cow is now available on draught and in cans; along with a select few Anheuser-Busch offerings, which is my national domestic brewer of choice.


That will do it for us for now. The radar does not look promising. We are pretty much due east of Oshkosh, so we have some rain in out future. Fortunately, they have rain tires, but the fans will need to take cover for the time being.


Hopefully, this will be out of here by qualifying at 2:25 pm CDT. If not, well it could get interesting. We could have a lot of fast cars at the back of the grid on Sunday, when we are supposed to have pretty weather again.

That will do it for me today until after qualifying. Susan is working on a post right now that she should put up sometime early afternoon before qualifying – then I’ll return with a wrap-up of qualifying. Please check back throughout the day.

George Phillips

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